BioMin orthodontic toothpaste for braces and clear aligners
For use pre, during and post-orthodontic appliances
Prescribed by orthodontists, dentists and therapists.
Helps strengthen enamel prior to orthodontic appliances.
Helps prevent and repair white spots caused by orthodontics including clear aligners.
Orthodontics can make cleaning of teeth difficult, in 50% of cases white spot lesions (decay) can occur. BioMin F orthodontic toothpaste for braces and clear aligners has been clinically shown to help treat white spot lesions. “BioMin F shown to have a high capacity to remineralise/repair white spot lesions^” & “BioMin F paste can be considered an effective remineralizing agent for white spot Lesions#“
Dr Ariane Sampson, orthodontist,
I recommend BioMin F to give my patients extra protection. By promoting a toothpaste like BioMin® F, which is really good for reducing the risk of white spot lesions, we finish up with a nicer result, and we don’t have to take the braces off early due to poor oral hygiene. Using a toothpaste that’s remineralising, like BioMin, is really useful for us to make sure that we provide the best quality results in the healthiest possible way. It’s important to have this tool in your toolbox. Many children and young people find adult toothpastes too ‘spicy’, which makes them reluctant to transition to them. BioMin is milder, and they prefer the taste of it. This also applies to people with autism, who are acutely sensitive to taste. Since returning from the pandemic, when people have had less supervision and long intervals between visits, we have had to reassess our patients’ oral hygiene and provide advice to reduce early signs of demineralisation. BioMin has really helped with that as we have been recommending it to improve the appearance of demineralisation and to prevent it developing in children who may have struggled with oral hygiene over this period. There’s no point in embarking on orthodontic treatment if we are going to leave the teeth in a less healthy way than when we began. BioMin really helps with that.
Consumer Reviews relating to orthodontics and remineralisation :
BioMin is Product reviews No.1 rated toothpaste brand with over 350 reviews. See below reviews relating to orthodontics and remineralisation, note everybody is different and performance may or may not replicate for all.
White Spots / Decalcification / Demineralisation
White spots (decalcification/demineralisation) are a common side effect that can occur in 50% of traditional orthodontic patients1. These spot white lesions can develop in as little as 4 weeks2, and are considered to be the first steps towards decay and cavitation3. Researchers have found white spots can form within the first month of the fixed orthodontic appliance being used4.
White spots can be caused/exacerbated by many factors, two of which are hypocalcification, (lack of calcium) and orthodontics. White spots can also occur from poor dental health exacerbated by braces.
Whilst the demineralised tooths surface remains intact, there is a possibility of remineralisation and reversal of the lesion
BioMin F can assist with white spots in two ways: its slow release fluoride can assist in stopping decay (caries) whilst its high remineralisation rate can help replace the lost calcium causing the white spots, strengthen the tooth and make it more acid resistant.
How to Prevent White Spots
The best way to prevent white spots from occurring is from perfect brushing and flossing.
- Drink water instead of soft drinks
- Brush twice per day.
- Use a remineralising toothpaste
- Floss nightly
- Visit your dentist every 6 months.
Orthodontics patients can work on their diet to reduce the chances of decay. However, in many cases, their appliance (braces) makes it nearly impossible for good dental hygiene. A protective orthodontic toothpaste such as BioMin F may be able to assist.
BioMin F is an alternative to GC Tooth Mousse Plus
BioMin is an alternative solution to GC Tooth Mousse Plus. Both products are remineralising agents, BioMin is differentiated by being a toothpaste rather than a mousse product. BioMin becomes your every day toothpaste, saving the need for incremental steps in the users application. A 2019 clinical paper evaluated the aesthetic improvement of white spot lesions (WSL). Both products were shown to remineralise the enamel caries (decay) and showed improvements in colour change and fluorescence. J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(9):e776-82.
BioMin F shown to have a high capacity to remineralise/repair white spot lesions.
Compared to regular fluoride toothpaste, researchers have shown that BioMin F has a “high capacity” to remineralise white spot lesions associated with orthodontic appliances (braces)*. Results show that BioMin F had a deep penetration of calcium and phosphate ions. The unique slow release fluoride used in BioMin F helps drive the remineralisation process, this is aided by the availability of calcium and phosphate** on the tooth’s surface.
Slow-release fluoride a breakthrough in protective performance.
For fluoride to be beneficial for longer than the time of brushing, fluoride needs to be deposited and slowly released. Professor Ten Cate
BioMinF’s patented technology turns the tables on traditional toothpaste. Normally when you wash your teeth the level of available fluoride decreases quite rapidly 2 due to rinsing, salivary secretion, and swallowing. BioMinF’s patented technology significantly increases the level of therapeutically available fluoride for up to 12 hours after brushing. (BioMinF actually uses up to 60% less fluoride than regular toothpaste.)
The availability of fluoride, calcium and phosphate helps stop decay and creates an armour on the tooth’s enamel surface. The armour helps protect the tooth against decay and demineralisation/decalcification (caries) and the formation of white spot lesions. When the tooth comes under attack from acids and sugars BioMinF responds by releasing additional essential minerals.
The constant supply of low levels of fluoride in biofilm / saliva / dental interface is considered beneficial in preventing dental decay. 2
How does fluoride prevent tooth decay
- Fluoride promotes remineralisation – tooth rebuilding and repair.
- Fluoride hardens the tooth and forms fluorapatite.
References for: White Spots / Decalcification / Demineralisation
- Talic, Nabeel F. “Adverse Effects of Orthodontic Treatment: A Clinical Perspective.” The Saudi Dental Journal 23.2 (2011): 55–59.
- Ogaard B., Rolla J., Arends J. Orthodontic appliances and enamel demineralization. Part 1. Lesion development. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 1988;94:68–73
- Gorelick L., Geiger A., Gwinnett A. Incidence of white spot formation after bonding and banding. Am. J. Orthod. 1982;81:93–98
- Öggard B, Rølla G, Arends J. Orthodontic appliances and enamel demineralisation. Part 1. Lesion development. Am J Orthod Dento Orthop 1988; 94: 68–73.
- Geiger AM, Gorelick L, Gwinnett AJ, Griswold PG. The effect of a fluoride program on white spot formation during orthodontic treatment. Am J Orthod Dento Orthop1988; 93: 29–37
* Alghamdi., S et al, “BioMin can Remineralize White Spot Lesions Surrounding Orthodontic Brackets“. Presented at IADR San Francisco 2017
** Delia S., et al, “Fluoride-containing bioactive glasses: Effect of glass design and structure on degradation, pH and apatite formation in simulated body fluid” Acta Biomaterialia 6 (2010) 3275–3282
#Bakry AS, et al, A Novel Fluoride Containing Bioactive Glass Paste is Capable of Re-Mineralizing Early Caries Lesions. Materials. 2018; 11(9):1636