BioMinF advances toothpaste technology to a new level and solves the slow release problem. If you have any additional questions please send us a request via our About page
General information
What makes BioMin F different to any other toothpaste?
BioMin F delivers essential minerals over a period of up to 12 hours to protect and repair the tooth’s enamel. Delivering 24/7 protection when washing teeth twice per day. Traditional fluoride based toothpaste are washed out of the oral cavity (mouth) within a relatively short period of time
What is a Bioglass?
For close to 50 years Bioactive glasses have had applications in the human body. Being used in a variety of applications including medical devices, cosmetics and dental products.
Bioactive glasses – which are different from conventional glasses – are composed of calcium and phosphate which are present in a proportion that is similar to the bone hydroxyapatite. These materials have found a wide range of medical and dental applications and have been used as bone grafts, scaffolds, and coating materials for dental implants.
In the 1990s bioactive glass was modified for use in the oral care, it was found that Bioglass in the oral cavity could produce hydroxylapatite which could be used to treat tooth sensitivity. The hydroxylapatite could fill the exposed tubules that allowed sensations like sweet, hot or cold to reach nerves and cause pain.
Over the past decade research conducted by Queen Mary University London and Imperial College London advanced on the composition of BioGlass to make a formulation (BioMinF) which could release calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions over a period of 8 to 12 hours. The release of these ions on the oral cavity produces mineral fluorapatite which can rebuild, strengthen and protect the tooth structure. According to professor Hill the ” fluorapatite is much more resistant to acids produced by bacteria and promotes remineralization, particularly in combination with the calcium and phosphate released from the glass.”.
BioMin’s technology received the prestigious Brasiers’ Venture Prize for innovation and in 2014 BioMin Technologies was founded to commercialise BioMinF.
How does BioMin F work?
A Polymer in the toothpaste chemically bonds to the Calcium in the Enamel and to the Calcium in the BioMinF. This serves to stick the particles to the tooth surface and prevent the BioMin being washed away. The BioMin particle then slowly dissolves releasing Calcium, Phosphate and Flouride ions over the next 12 hours. When the oral cavity (mouth) comes under acid attack the, the rate at which BioMin dissolves increases to help protect the tooth.
BioMinF's smart response protects against acid attacks?
The BioMin bioactive glass is designed to dissolve faster as the pH levels lower in the mouth. When you consume acidic drinks or foods the BioMin releases additional Calcium (Ca2)+ Phosphate (PO43)- and Fluoride (F-) ions to protect the tooth against acid dissolution.
BioMin F or BioMin C
The difference between BioMin F and BioMin C is that BioMin F has fluoride. The benefit of fluoride is that it helps make the enamel 10 times more acid resistant and also hardens the enamel. From a technical perspective we recommend BioMin F over BioMin C because of the benefits of fluoride. Please note that the fluoride in BioMin F is unique, due to its delivery mechanism, i.e. it lasts up to 6X longer.
From what age can you BioMin toothpaste.
As a general rule we say ages 3 + (able to spit out excess) or as advised by your dentist.
Are BioMin F and NovaMin the same?
No. Though BioMinF and NovaMin belong to the bioglass family, their components are different. The BioMinF (active compound) is a newer compound called a Calcium FluoroPhospho Silicate. NovMin is a Calcium Sodium Phosphosilicate.
The newer BioMinF compound has three advantages :
- It contains fluoride in the glass structure, enabling slow and extended release of up to 12 hours.
- Has a higher phosphate content for enhanced bioactivity.
- Smaller particles which can enter and fill the tooth’s open tubules.
Does BioMin F have a whitening agent?
BioMin is not promoted as a whitening toothpaste, however over 70% of’s report whitening benefits. These benefits are attributable to the gloss coating that BioMin places on the tooth and also improved reflection of light from remineralised teeth. To receive significant whitening benefits consumers are advised to visit their dentists and gain a whitening benefit.
Floss before you brush
The recommendation is to not rinse following washing how do I use my waterpik ?
Simple, use the waterpik first and then brush!
According to the clinical study : “The effect of toothbrushing and flossing sequence on interdental plaque reduction and fluoride retention: A randomized controlled clinical trial” J Periodontol. 2018 Jul;89(7):824-832. doi: 10.1002/JPER.17-0149. Epub 2018 Jul 20.
“The results showed that flossing followed by brushing is preferred to brushing then flossing in order to reduce interdental plaque and increase fluoride concentration in interdental plaque”.
How do I remineralise spots on my teeth?
Remineralising toothpaste such as BioMin supply essential minerals of calcium, phosphate & fluoride (BioMin F) to help remineralise / repair the white spot legion. BioMin has a unique slow-release mechanism for faster results. (Remineralisation is a slow process and can take weeks or months for visible results).
Should you use fluoride or fluoride free toothpaste?
Fluoride delivers several dental benefits the greatest of which is teeth become more resistant to acid. This means acids (in food and the by-product of bacteria in plaque) should cause less damage to the tooth’s enamel(demineralisation), less cavities should develop. When fluoride is available in the presence of calcium & phosphate – fluorapatite forms which is 1 pH level or 10 times more acid resistant and helping to protect the enamel.
Does fluoride free toothpaste remineralise teeth?
Yes. But the outcome is less acid resistant than when fluoride is available. Optimally you would select a fluoridated toothpaste, BioMin uses fluoride more efficiently than regular toothpaste, requiring 60% less fluoride.
My dentist said I need 1450 ppm of fluoride in toothpaste, why does BioMin use less?
We can’t legally go against your dentist’s advice. We can tell you comparing regular 1450 ppm fluoride toothpaste against BioMin’s 530 ppm is like comparing apples and oranges and your dentist may not be aware of the technology contained in BioMin F. Regular fluoridated toothpaste has a therapeutic window of about 90 minutes. BioMin F has a therapeutic window of up to 12 hours and a significantly higher remineralisation rate. Here is an article that you give to your dentist to read.
BioMin and GC Tooth Mousse
What can I use instead of GC Tooth Mousse?
GC Tooth Mousse Plus alternative BioMin F, is’s No.1 rated Toothpaste and Dental Care Product and is approved by the Oral Health Foundation for remineralisation and dentine hypersensitivity. Developed over 10 years at Queen Mary Uni (London), BioMin can be used to help treat: early: decay / demineralisation / enamel wear, hyper mineralised enamel , white spot lesions, transparency and dentine hypersensitivity. BioMin can also be used pre, during and post orthodontics to help reduce / repair demineralisation. For ages 3+ (can spit out excess)
Does BioMin contain dairy
BioMin does not contain any dairy products. BioMin is a vegan product. BioMin is a safe alternative to those people prescribed GC Tooth Mousse but have a dairy allergy or intollerance.
Where to buy BioMin toothpaste.
Where can I buy BioMin F in Australia?
Please see our stockists page for details, also for order via this website and eBay.
Where can I buy BioMin F or BioMin C in New Zealand?
At this point in time, BioMin is currently only available through this website and through a few select dentists.
Sensitive and painful teeth
Does BioMin work on sensitive teeth?
Yes. Though there is no solution that works for everybody, there is a good chance BioMin will work for you and better than any other product on the market!
- 85% of respondents report BioMin helped reduce sensitivity.
- We surveyed our customers and 50 to 75% of customers report BioMin F is better than any other product they have ever used.
What is the best sensitivity toothpaste?
No single product is a solution for all. If you consider customer reviews ( BioMin is the best with more than 85% (July 2021) of reviewers saying their sensitivity was reduced by BioMin. In head-to-head clinical comparisons BioMin delivered superior results over the market leaders.
Does BioMinF occlude open tubules?
Yes. BioMinF was designed to occlude the open tables that may be exposed from receding gums. The molecules in BioMinF are small enough to enter, fill and cover the open tubules.
Image : Before and after brushing with BioMinF.
Can BioMin help sensitive teeth and gums?
Sensitive teeth and gums
According to the Better Health Victoria site:
Gum disease typically results from plaque accumulating on your teeth and along the gum line. Plaque is a sticky film packed with bacteria. Your immune system responds to this build-up by causing inflammation, which leads to redness and swelling in the gums around the affected teeth.
Everyone has various bacteria in their mouth, and some of these bacteria form plaque as they break down the sugars from the foods and drinks you consume. This plaque creates an ideal environment for bacteria that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay to thrive and multiply.
Can BioMin help sensitive teeth and gums?
BioMin can help sensitive teeth and gums in 3 ways:
- BioMin F blocks the tubules (small holes) in the enamel that are the common cause of sensitivity pain
- BioMin F toothpaste has been shown to help stop plaque forming by destroying the bacteria that cause plaque. : Ref
- BioMin F helps reduce acidity, raise the pH in the mouth. Reduced acidity is beneficial to the gums
Sensitive teeth as you get older / aging
Sensitive teeth as you get older / aging
Sensitive teeth affect up to 40% of adults and are often caused by small openings (tubules) in the teeth, which can be exposed due to aging, gum disease, decay, or whitening treatments. As we age, the gum line recedes, making these tubules more exposed and increasing tooth sensitivity.
A common remedy for sensitive teeth is using a specialized sensitivity toothpaste. These toothpastes may contain numbing agents, such as potassium nitrate, or work to block the tubules to prevent nerve stimulation and alleviate pain.
Developed with the expertise of Dr. Gillam, BioMin toothpaste is designed to penetrate the tubules and create a more effective seal for greater sensitivity relief. About 50% of BioMin’s particles can enter the exposed tubules and form a durable, acid-resistant fluorapatite seal. In comparison, many regular toothpastes only provide a temporary covering, which can break down when exposed to acids.
Sensitive teeth or toothache?
Sensitive teeth or toothache?
Are sensitive teeth common?
Are sensitive teeth common?
Tooth sensitivity occurs when small openings (tubules) in the teeth are exposed due to aging, gum disease, whitening treatments, or enamel defects. It’s estimated that up to 40% of adults experience sensitive teeth.
BioMin’s innovative technology enables it to seal these tubules from within using fluoridated tooth minerals, promoting internal enamel remineralization. This process helps prevent nerve stimulation and reduces tooth sensitivity.
Hypomineralised teeth.
How to help hypomineralised teeth
BioMin is a remineralising toothpaste, can help treat hypo mineralised teeth to aid with reduced caries (decay) risk and with sensitivity that hypo mineralisation can cause.
Please note BioMin is not a solution to fix hypo mineralised teeth but a mechanism to help with some of the problems hypo mineralised teeth can cause. Hypo mineralised teeth are a developmental defect and need to come under the treatment of a dentist or dental specialist. For more information, please see the D3 Group website.
BioMin ingredients
What is the active ingredient in BioMin F?
As with most toothpaste on the market the key active ingredient for BioMin F is fluoride. What makes BioMin F different to any other toothpaste in the market is how the fluoride is delivered to the tooth. Using a patented bioglass (fluorcalciumphosphosilicate BioMin can deliver fluoride slowly over an extended period (up to 12 hours) this delivery mechanism allows BioMin F to use less than 1/2 the fluoride of most traditional supermarket toothpaste.
What are the ingredients in BioMin F
BioMin F ingredients: Glycerin, Silica, PEG 400, FluoroCalciumPhosphoSilicate, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Titanium Dioxide, Aroma, Carbomer, Potassium Acesulfame.
BioMin F active ingredient: FluoroCalciumPhosphoSilicate (This molecule has fluoride, calcium and phosphate). BioMin’s performance is a result of these three elements and the delivery mechanism.
Fluoride concentration: approx. 530 ppm. BioMin F uses fluoride more efficiently, as such it requires a lot less and lasts up to 6X longer than regular toothpaste.
What are the ingredients in BioMin F for Kids
BioMin F ingredients: Glycerin, Silica, PEG 400, FluoroCalciumPhosphoSilicate, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Titanium Dioxide, Aroma, Carbomer, Potassium Acesulfame.
BioMin F active ingredient: FluoroCalciumPhosphoSilicate (This molecule has fluoride, calcium and phosphate). BioMin’s performance is a result of these three elements and the delivery mechanism.
Fluoride concentration: approx. 530 ppm. BioMin F uses fluoride more efficiently, as such it requires a lot less and lasts up to 6X longer than regular toothpaste. Note: this is the same active ingredient as found in BioMin F, ie the same level of performance will be gained.
What are the ingredients in BioMin C
BioMin C ingredients: Glycerin, Silica, PEG, ChloroCalciumPhosphoSilicate, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Titanium Dioxide, Flavouring, Carbopol, Potassium Acesulfame.
BioMin C active ingredient: ChloroCalciumPhosphoSilicate (This molecule has bio available calcium and phosphate in optimal ratio). BioMin’s performance is a result of these two elements and the delivery mechanism.
Fluoride concentration: there is no fluoride in BioMin C.
How does BioMinF have relatively low fluoride levels?
BioMinF contains about 60% less fluoride than most supermarket and pharmacy toothpaste. When applied correctly the fluoride in BioMinF is not washed away. The fluoride is used more effectively, enabling a lower fluoride content to be used. The lower fluoride level reduces the risk of fluorosis .
BioMinF contains approximately 600 ppm fluoride compared to most supermarket and pharmacy toothpaste that contain around 1400-1500 ppm.
Delivery Times for BioMin
Delivery time for BioMin Aust / NZ
- We generally process orders around 9 pm. Those orders are packed and posted the following day. Note if you order after 9 pm on Thursday your order may not dispatch until Monday.
- We are located in Sydney
- Orders to Sydney Metro take between 1 to 3 business days from lodgement
- Orders to other capital cities take 1 to 6 days business days
- Orders to rural areas can take 4 to 10 days
- Orders to NZ – take 8 to 14 business days. On average about 2 weeks. Express 2-4 days
- Express Post is offered for domestic and international orders. Select the express post from above.
New Zealand 2 -3 day deliveries
We ship BioMin toothpaste daily direct from our Sydney warehouse to NZ By avoiding distributors fees in NZ we are able to offer NZ customers identical pricing to Australian customers, with free shipping on offer (4 full sized tubes or more). Add “Kiwi Semi Express” shipping upgrade for only $3 for 2 day shipping to Auckland* and slightly longer for surrounds. (sometimes next day). * Speed can be impacted by seasonality – eg Christmas orders.