How to brush your teeth for the best results
Four steps to optimum oral health
1. Get ready
First, prep your toothbrush by applying a small bead of toothpaste, about 1cm wide, to its head.
2. Get brushing
Place your toothbrush on the outer surfaces of your teeth, tilting the brush at an angle against the gum line. Using short and gentle brush strokes – in a vertical up-and-down action, pushing the bristles away from the gum line – clean the outer surfaces of your upper and lower teeth, then the inner surfaces, and finally the chewing surfaces. Be sure to pay extra attention to any hard-to-reach areas. For fresher breath, you might also like to brush your tongue.
3. Get rid
After two minutes of brushing, swirl the foamy toothpaste around your mouth for 30 seconds, and spit out the excess into the sink.
4. Get going
This part’s critical: avoid rinsing your mouth out with water! Rinsing washes away the active ingredients of the toothpaste often before they have had a chance to work. Walk away and enjoy the fresh, minty taste in your mouth.
This is especially true when using BioMin, which contains fine particles that bind to the tooth, delivering fluoride, calcium and phosphate ions for 12 hours. It’s these particles that provide that all-important added protection to your teeth
Get Ready – Get Brushing – Get Rid – Get Going
Handy tip
Don’t drink anything acidic for at least an hour after brushing – it’ll undo all your good work!
Because for optimum results, you need to keep the active ingredients of the toothpaste on your teeth for as long as possible.
You’ve got the technique, now use these tips
1. When should I brush?
It’s best to brush twice a day, first thing in the morning (before breakfast) and last thing at night. Never brush immediately after consuming acidic drinks because your tooth enamel will be slightly weakened and more susceptible to abrasion.
2. How firm should my toothbrush be?
We recommend using a soft toothbrush.
3.Which is better: manual or electric?
It doesn’t matter what type of toothbrush you use – as long as you brush all the surfaces of every tooth. Many people find it easier to clean their teeth thoroughly with an electric toothbrush, but it’s ultimately a matter of personal preference.
4.What about flossing or use of inter-dental brushes?
Even though there is little definitive scientific research, most clinicians are of the opinion that cleaning and removing plaque from between the teeth is important for improved oral health. Often it is not possible to clean these areas with your toothbrush. Most people find Inter-dental brushes generally easier to use than floss and studies show them to be more effective. If you use a Waterpik or similar device do this before brushing!
5.Mouth washes and dental rinses.
If you want to use a mouth wash always do this before brushing so as not to wash away the BioMin. Importantly check the acidity of the mouthwash, many brands are acidic which can be counter beneficial.