What are white spots on teeth? / What are white marks on teeth?
White spots or white marks aka. white spot lesions can be a sign of early decay. They occur as a result of subsurface enamel demineralisation / decalcification which can be the result of prolonged, undisturbed plaque accumulation, usually due to poor or inadequate oral hygiene. They can form in as little as 4 weeks and left unchecked the surface can collapse leaving the tooth cavitated. (A hole). (Ref)
Why do you get white spots?
Three main sources: 1. Decay 2. Developmental defects 3. Fluorosis.
If the spots are developed after the tooth came up then likely decay. If spots were present when the permanent teeth came up, then potentially fluorosis. If there is also mottling, potentially a developmental defect. Refer to your dentist for advice. BioMin can assist with the remineralisation of early decay and is showing very promising results helping (not curing) patients with developmental defects such as hypo mineralisation / chalky teeth.
Decay: Acids and sugars:
Acids dissolve the minerals that make up the tooth’s enamel called demineralisation. Acidic foods & acid created by bacteria (in plaque) demineralise teeth (decay), left unchecked cavities can form. A remineralising agent can assist to restore early mineral loss.
Decay: Braces and orthodontics:
Braces making cleaning of teeth difficult, plaque can easily develop around the brackets that hold the braces in place. White spots / white marks have been found to develop in 50% orthodontic patients 1 in as little as 4 weeks 2.
Development defects: (Hypocalcification / Hypo mineralisation):
On occasion when the tooth is being formed insufficient calcium is deposited, and the enamel does not form properly (hypo-mineralisation). There is no solution to fix these teeth, however remineralising agents have been shown to deliver positive results.
Too much fluoride when permanent teeth are formed can cause fluorosis, that show up as white spots. Generally, fluorosis cannot be reversed but the colour difference can try to be reduced.
Fixing white spots may be as easy as using a remineralising toothpaste
BioMin F and BioMin C have been clinically shown# to assist with the repair of white spots lesions: their slow-release mechanisms deliver essential minerals to the tooth’s surface, the availability of these essential minerals and fluoride in the case of BioMin F help drive the natural remineralisation process.
#Alhagmadi et al, BioMin can Remineralise White Spot Lesions Surrounding Orthodontic Brackets
How to resolve white spots / white marks on teeth
The use of a remineralising toothpaste is a common and proven method to treat many types (not all, eg fluorosis) of white spot / white marks on teeth. They work by using the tooth’s natural remineralisation (repair) process to replace the minerals (calcium and phosphate) lost during demineralisation process (when acids dissolve the minerals from the tooth’s enamel).
BioMin F and BioMin C are award-winning remineralising toothpaste that can significantly help speed up the removal of white spots / white marks from the enamel. Their unique slow release mechanisms deliver ongoing calcium and phosphate (for up to 12 hours) and drive the repair/remineralisation process. BioMinF and BioMinC can be used as everyday toothpaste to both prevent and repair white spots / white marks on teeth and early decay.
Please note: BioMinF and BioMinC’s performance with those who have developmental defects is being tested.
What do our customers think?
The comments below are from users of BioMin toothpaste. who report improvements and benefits in their oral health. These benefits may not be replicated in all users and have not been confirmed by clinical trials. Please note: unless specified as BioMin C reviews are for BioMin F
How long does it take to repair white spots white marks on teeth?
The repair (remineralisation) of white spots is a slow process. Researchers estimate that the average white spot can take 6 years to naturally repair, with only about a 30% success rate. BioMinF and BioMinC have been shown to significantly reduce white spots / white marks within months of commencement. Testing conducted at Queen Mary University London, showed the rate of remineralisation of BioMinF to be greater than market leading supermarket and pharmacy brands.